Sermon listening sheets

  • “The Christian life is not a sprint but a marathon” is a saying I’ve heard ever since I became a follower of Jesus nearly 50 years ago.  Does Jesus mean more to you today than when you first believed in Him?  Do you love him more now than ever?  Are you faithfully following the Lord or have you wandered away from Him?  Another saying is, “It is not how strong you start the race but how you finish that matters.”  How do you hope to END the race?

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  • “That is never going to happen . . . it’s impossible!” All of us have said those words at different times in our life.  With our options depleted, our problems unresolved, we have asked God for help in our trouble. God is able to do for us what we cannot accomplish by ourselves.  The Bible is filled with examples of people who believed God when there was NO way out.  People like Joshua, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David and Samuel.  

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  • What is the toughest thing that you have had to endure?  Was it a financial problem, a health issue, a relationship fracture or some other difficult challenge?  Were there moments that you thought you would not get through or the problem would never be resolved?  The Apostle Paul urged believers “let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”  Moses is an OT example of someone who endured difficulty.  We learn in Hebrews 11 that it was Moses’ faith that allowed him to endure.

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  • September 29, 2024 “God’s Plan for Eternity” Revelation 7:9-10

    How far into the future do you make plans? How often do your plans change due to unforeseen circumstances? God decided his plan to provide salvation through Christ Jesus before He created the world (Ephesians 1:4).  When history ends, the Bible reveals the scene in heaven where “a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands,” (Revelation 7:9). Have you received Jesus Christ into your life?  Will you be among the great multitude?  Are you telling others the Good News of salvation so they can also believe? Do you support missions so that the Gospel is taken to the ends of the earth?

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  • If you have ever traveled to a distant place and spent time in a different culture, you probably experienced some level of homesickness.  Homesickness is feeling anxious and yearning to return home again.  You long to return to your family, your home, your familiar and comfortable surroundings.  The Bible teaches that earth is not our final destination; in fact, faith in Christ helps us to realize the transitory nature of life and to yearn for a permanent, heavenly home.  Are you homesick for heaven?

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  • The Bible defines faith as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”  Some people argue that you can only believe the things that you can see.  Yet there are many significant realities that you and I hold onto without being able to “see” them or to “prove” them. Abraham is cited as an example of someone who believed God was good, gracious and great even when he didn't have the proof.

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  • One of the most difficult things we face as Christians is having the patience to wait for God to answer our prayers. We know that God answers every prayer that we pray: Yes, No or Wait (not now).  However, delayed answers to prayers often feel like God is saying “No” rather than “Wait.” Many of us give up LONG before the answer arrives.  God promised to give Abraham a descendant and twenty-five years later, he became the father of Isaac. Do you have a faith in God that waits for His answers?

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  • During one of the darkest periods of human history, the Bible states that “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” It wasn’t that Noah lived a little better than his neighbors who disregarded God and mistreated one another.  Noah genuinely loved God and walked with God.  People may not have noticed Noah, but God did.  And when God decided he had had enough, he told Noah to prepare for an emergency evacuation that would happen within 120 years.

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  • August 25, 2024 Redeemer's Praise

    Join us today for Worship with Redeemer's Praise, who is a worship team based out of Springfield, MO.  The group is in its 12th year of music ministry. 

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  • We utilize faith in every facet of our lives but rarely question the assumptions that we use to make decisions except when it comes to spiritual matters. Believers base our faith on the promises and the reliability of the Word of God.  The Bible defines faith as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).  Faith in God gives certainty and brings commendation.  Do you have faith that pleases God?

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  • We all face deadlines, due dates, appointments?  Some people arrive early to everything, while others are never on time. Some deadlines are flexible while others cannot be altered.  Following Christ is a decision that must be made while on earth and once made guarantees life in heaven.  Refusal to trust Jesus results in tragic, eternal consequences.

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  • What commitments have you made in the past that continue to impact present day decisions?  It looks something like this, “Because I decided ___________, then I am going to do ___________.  The writer to the Hebrews uses a similar pattern to challenge Christians’ lifestyles decisions.  Because Christ shed his blood and gave us access to God, let us draw near in faith, hold fast our hope and stir others to love and good deeds.  

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  • July 28, 2024

    Join us as Pastor Aaron brings the message from Matthew 25.  Every believer should serve God out of gratitude for our salvation and his goodness.

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  • Repetition can become monotonous as we hear, or see or do the same things over and over.  But repetition has value if what we do becomes second nature to us.  An athlete who practices the fundamentals of swinging a bat, shooting a basket or catching a football, wants to do these things without “thinking” about it.  The writer to the Hebrews repeated truths of Christ’s once for all sacrifice numerous times in his letter not to bore or dull his recipients but to drive him the eternal significance of Christ’s atoning death and shed blood for our redemption.  

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  • Most of us have trouble believing something that we cannot see with our own eyes.  “Prove it to me” is generally our response to something hard to understand.  God gave tangible proofs of his presence, his goodness and his plan to bring salvation to a world filled with lost people.  The OT sacrificial system, the Temple, the priests and the prophets all pointed to a future ONCE-FOR-ALL sacrifice for sins.  Jesus died and shed his blood for our salvation.  

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  • June 30, 2024, “There’s Nothing Greater than Jesus Offers,” Hebrews 8:1-13

    How far in advance to you make plans? Days, weeks, months, years?  How often do your plans change at the last minute due to unforeseen and unavoidable situations?  From eternity, God planned to provide forgiveness through his Son, Jesus.  For centuries, God gave promises and glimpses of the coming Messiah.  During the time of the prophet Jeremiah, when life in Judah was difficult, God declared that he would one day make a NEW COVENANT with Israel and Judah (Jeremiah 31:27-34).  Jesus declared the day before his crucifixion that he was establishing a NEW COVENANT through his blood (Luke 22:20).

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  • Whenever you purchase a car, an appliance, or an electronic device, you are offered an extended warranty to cover expenses of a repair.  The extended warranty ALWAYS has an expiration date which usually occurs the day before you actually need it.  Warranties are beneficial if they are still in effect, cover the necessary repair and the company is reliable and stands behind the guarantee.  Jesus stands behind God’s offer of salvation FOREVER. 

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  • Whenever two individuals, groups or nations are unable to resolve a conflict, a mediator is appointed to bring them together and to find a resolution.  This is happening between Russia and Ukraine and between Israel and Hamas. Because of our sin, God provided a go between, a mediator who is his Son Jesus.  In Genesis 14, God gave a glimpse of the coming mediator through the story of Abraham and Melchizedek.  You and I have complete confidence in the sufficiency of our mediator, Jesus!

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  • June 9, 2024 “Do You Have a Steadfast Anchor for Your Soul?” Hebrews 6:13 – 20

    The times in which we live are filled with uncertainty.  There is daily speculation of a Global war breaking out due to Russia and China escalating their threats against the West and Iran threatening Israel.  The political divide in America runs deep.  The writer to the Hebrews describes God’s character as unchanging and reliable.  Since God cannot lie, we can trust him to keep His promises to us.  Faith in God’s Son gives stability to our lives the same way an anchor secures a vessel.

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  • We do not expect an infant to care for itself, but neither do we expect a child to remain helpless for its lifetime.  It is normal for a child to grow and to develop.  A new believer in Christ is a “infant” in faith who initially takes in the “milk” of God’s Word.  However, every believer should mature in faith and begin taking in “solid food” from God’s Word.  Does your spiritual diet consist only of milk (the basics of Christianity) or are you taking in solid food (truths from Scripture about how to live and what to believe)?

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  • We spend most of our life making comparisons, evaluating other people and sometimes passing judgments on them without having all the information.  Without an impartial standard, we risk dismissing someone as unimportant while elevating others to a prominent place they should not occupy.  The writer to the Hebrews urges us to hold fast to our confession in Jesus and not to abandon the only one who can mediate between us and God.

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  • God gave us the Bible so that we might know about Him and that we might come to know Him through saving faith in His Son Jesus.  Hearing, reading, studying, memorizing, teaching the Bible all lack eternal value until we OBEY His Word.  

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  • If you wake up feeling more exhausted than when you fell asleep, you are not alone.  Most Americans do not get enough rest on a regular basis.  What about your soul?  Do you get enough rest for your soul? The writer of the book of Hebrews invited Christians to enter into God’s rest.  He was speaking of peace, salvation, assurance of salvation and future promise of heaven.  Wouldn’t you like to enter into God’s rest?

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  • Our nation faces many threats from without and from within. What do you consider to be the greatest threat to your spiritual life? The writer of the book of Hebrews gives a history lesson and warns that unbelief is the greatest threat that each person faces.  

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  • If you are middle aged or older, do you occasionally long for the “good ole days”? Nostalgia has a way of glamorizing the past, elevating memories as good while downplaying the difficulty of earlier times. As Christians, we may wish we could return to the early days after our salvation, but we can’t.  What about those who profess faith in Christ and then want to go back to the days of unbelief?  The writer to the Hebrews challenges believers to consider Jesus and to hold fast our confidence in Christ.

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  • Even though we KNOW that problems are a part of living, sometimes we can lose sight of God’s goodness to us because of the troubles we face.  Christians in the first century suffered greatly and many of them wondered if the cost was worth it.  The writer of the book of Hebrews wrote to encourage them to focus on Jesus who alone could help them.  Jesus suffered for us, sanctifies us, shared humanity like us and sympathizes with us. 

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  • April 14, 2024, “So Great a Salvation,” Hebrews 2:1-9

    There may be many things that you can ignore or neglect without facing significant consequences, but that is not the case with salvation.  The writer of the book of Hebrews warned people not to neglect “so great a salvation” that God has provided us.  He spoke of the danger of drifting away from God.  

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  • April 7, 2024, “Jesus Is Greater,” Hebrews 1:1-14

    In a world of broken promises, counterfeit products and compromised leaders, Jesus stands alone as the unique, one and only Son of God.  The book of Hebrews shows that Jesus is greater than the prophets and the angels since he is himself God. Jesus is trustworthy!

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  • March 31, 2024 “Why Is Jesus the Promised Savior?” Acts 13:23-49

    The Book of Acts tells the exciting story of the early church expanding throughout the Roman empire immediately following the ascension of Jesus.  On his first missionary journey, Paul preached in a Jewish synagogue declaring that Jesus is the Promised Savior.  Paul gave numerous reasons supporting his claim – Jesus is David’s descendant, John the Baptist testified that Jesus was the Messiah and Jesus’ fulfilled OT scriptures that he would die and rise again.

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  • March 24, 2024 " I Will Rise,Easter Cantata" 

    Our Adult Choir, with a special song featuring our children’s choir, will be Presenting I Will Rise A Worship Event Celebrating God’s Resurrection Power, Created and Arranged by Gary Rhodes. 

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  • Who bears responsibility for the mistreatment, false accusations and crucifixion of Jesus? The Jewish leaders or the Roman soldiers or the crowd or the disciples?  Just over a month after the crucifixion, Peter addressed a crowd in Jerusalem and said, “Jesus, whom you delivered over and denied in the presence of Pilate . . . you denied the Holy and Righteous One, and asked a murderer to be granted to you . . .  you killed the Author of life, whom God raised from the dead” (Act 3:13-15).  Who is responsible . . . we are guilty.  

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  • Twice within a single chapter, Jesus asked people the same question – “What do you want me to do for you?” First he asked James and John, then he asked blind Bartimaeus.  The disciples request for prominence was denied.  Bartimaeus’ request for  healing was granted.  What would you say to Jesus if he asked you this question?  Would you even know what to ask . . . would it actually be something that you needed?

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  • In the weeks leading up to the crucifixion, Jesus told his disciples three times that he would be arrested, mistreated, killed and rise again after three days.  Not only did the disciples fail to grasp these warnings, but they and the people misunderstood the love and grace of God.

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  • There is more to this life that what we can see with our eyes . . . there is a spiritual dimension to life.  Paul urges every believer to prepare for spiritual conflicts by recognizing our enemy’s schemes and by putting on the full armor of God.  Believers are to stand firm against every temptation except in the case of immorality and idolatry when believers are told to flee.

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  • What motivates you to go to work each day and to do your best?  Do you find fulfillment in the work you do? Do you enjoy the people you work for and work with? The Apostle Paul challenged believers to live out our faith in Jesus in every situation, including through our work.  What we do, we actually do for the Lord!

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  • This Sunday marks the 58th time that professional football teams have met for a championship game called the Super Bowl. Only one team can emerge as the winner.  It’s a big deal but it is only a game.  There are MANY things in life more important than the outcome of an athletic contest, there are relationships that we should value.  The Apostle Paul addresses parents and children in Ephesians 6 with timeless truths – children are to obey and honor their parents, and parents are to nurture and admonish their children.  

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  • I get it.  Food will eventually spoil, get stale or mold if it’s not consumed in time. That’s the reason that most food products have an expiration date or best if used by date on the package.  How is it that we view many of God’s promises and commands as expired or out of date?  This attitude is especially noticeable when we discuss relationships and marriage – God’s plan is one man and one woman.

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  • God created every person with the capacity and longing to worship something greater than oneself.  God intends for each of us worship Him, one only true God; however, many people choose to worship/idolize people, things, status, false gods. God also made us to need His help to direct our lives.  Once we are saved, God wants us to surrender the control of our lives to the Holy Spirit who indwells us.

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  • January 21, 2024 “Living Carefully – Not Controlled by Alcohol,” Ephesians 5:18

    Christians may at times differ on the application of Scripture to a particular situation but we should always follow the Bible’s clear teachings on moral issues. For instance, the Bible clearly teaches the dangers of alcohol and drunkenness.  Paul urged believers to avoid the excesses of alcohol with all of its consequences, and instead to be controlled by God’s Holy Spirit.

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  • Shouldn’t the author know the story’s ending? Shouldn’t the inventor know the best use for his invention? Is it wise to void the manufacturer’s warranty by ignoring the proper maintenance? Then why should we be surprised that God our Creator and Redeemer knows the best way for believers to live after our salvation.

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  • There were 690 new words added to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary in 2023.  If we are not careful, we will redefine words in the Bible or make up new words so that we comfortable with difficult passages.  Paul wrote to Christians in the first century outlining behaviors that were incompatible with one’s commitment to Jesus.  Those behaviors are still sinful and still out of place for believers - immorality, impurity and covetousness.

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  • December 31, 2023 "God's Word"

    Join us as Pastor Aaron brings the message on God's Word as we finish out 2023. We hope you had a very Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year. 

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  • Every person faces the choice whether to believe God’s Word and trust Jesus or to disbelieve and reject Jesus.  The Gospel of Matthew tells the journey of the wise men who decided to believe God and searched for the Messiah-King.  When you trust God, no distance is too far, no question is too hard, no obstacle is too difficult, no worship is too costly, and no sacrifice is too great. However, if you refuse to believe God, fear will overwhelm you, answers will elude you, apathy will desensitize you and insecurity will consume you.

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  • All of us have had plans fall completely apart at the last minute.  We have had meticulously planned events fail to meet our expectations.  However, God’s plan to provide redemption for sinful people went precisely as He planned it would. The Bible declares in Galatians 4:4 that “At just the right time, God sent forth His Son.” Rest in the assurance that God knows what we need and sends the help we need at JUST THE RIGHT TIME!

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  • December 10, 2023 "He Shall Be Called" Christmas Cantata

    Today our choir presents, He Shall Be Called.  God has truly given us MANY reasons to sing!

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  • December 3, 2023 " A Great Light for the Nations!" Isaiah 9:1-5

    Guest Speaker, Paul Temple, will be bringing our Message today on the first Sunday of Advent. 

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  • We have all heard the saying that “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.”  Is that really the reason that we copy others’ behaviors?  Since children imitate or mimic those around them, it is important that we set a good example for them to follow.  The Bible tells us in Ephesians 4:32 - 5:2 to imitate God who is kind, tenderhearted, forgiving and loving rather than the pattern of the world which is characterized by selfishness (4:31). 

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  • Should we expect a Christian to live differently than those who profess no faith in Christ? The Bible tells us that believers should live honestly by speaking the truth, avoiding angry outbursts, working hard, giving generously and obeying the Holy Spirit’s promptings.

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  • The Bible is abundantly clear – salvation changes a person’s eternal destination from hell to heavenYet Christ also transforms a believer’s life, attitudes and actions so that there is a significant difference between those who are saved and those who are lost.  

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  • We expect things to grow . . . seeds grow into plants, babies grow up to adults.  Yet not all plants thrive.  Not all adults mature.  Once you put your faith in Jesus, you SHOULD grow steadily into a mature believer.  If you are NOT growing, you need to address the hindrances to your spiritual growth.  Paul reminds us that Christ gives grace, gifts and growth to EVERY believer.  

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  • October 29, 2023

    As we gather for worship this morning, we will join in singing the following songs: “God is For Us,” “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus,” “Here for You,” “Blessed Assurance,” “Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me” and “Change My Heart O, God.”

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  • Our significance is not measured by our accomplishments, wealth, influence or longevity but by the impact we make on others for eternity.  Saving faith in Jesus Christ guarantees that we will spend eternity in heaven.  Until then, we should live for Christ rather than for ourselves, for his priorities instead of our priorities, for his will and not our will.

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  • When facing problems, we often overestimate our strengths and underestimate our weaknesses.  Paul prayed that the triune God would work in the lives of every believer.  He prayed for believers to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit, to comprehend the love of Jesus Christ and to be filled up with the fullness of God the Father.  

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  • In life we regularly face questions, dilemmas, problems.  We are able to solve or answer many of them, but others remain a mystery throughout our lives.  Paul said that God answered a mystery kept hidden for centuries when He sent Jesus into the world.  God revealed the mystery and brought hope, grace, peace and forgiveness to anyone who believes in His Son.  Everyone (Jew and Gentile) who trusts Jesus becomes a part of God’s family and shares the eternal benefits of knowing Christ.

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  • Fences, walls and boundaries are designed to either keep things in or out or separate. We build them or others build them.  Paul said that God removed the dividing wall between us and one another through the death of Christ on the cross.  Once removed, we are not to rebuild walls in our relationships.  

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  • “It can’t be done . . . Impossible!” Human ingenuity has often found answers or developed solutions for seemingly impossible situations.  Yet there is no human solution for the universal condition of lostness caused by sin.  What we could not remedy, God provided the only solution through the substitutionary death of His Son, Jesus. Any person who repents and trusts in Christ is saved by grace through faith.

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  • How often do you pray for people around you?  What kinds of things do you pray for?  Safety, direction, healing, comfort and peace?  In Luke 11, “one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.”   Jesus responded by giving the Model Prayer or the Lord’s Prayer.  Paul also taught us how to pray by including prayers in many of his letters.   He thanked God for specific things before requesting God to work in people’s lives.  Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1 is a great example to follow when praying for your loved ones and friends.

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  • Whenever you make a promise, sign an agreement, enter into a contract, do you intend to keep your word? So often promises are viewed as non-binding, temporary arrangements until one or both of you decide to break your word.  God is not like us!! God makes and keeps his promises! One of his precious promises is to keep saved everyone who trusts his Son for salvation by giving the Holy Spirit as the guarantee of that promise.

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  • Modern GPS technology makes it easier to get from point A to point B.  If you take a wrong turn, you will hear, “Rerouting.”  Have you ever come to the end of the navigation prompts only to realize that you had NOT arrived where you wanted to be?  It’s inconvenient but no big deal because you can still get to way you are going.  That is not the true for our eternal destination.  If you follow the wrong “road” to get into heaven, there will be no time to “reroute.”  The Bible teaches that there is only one way to heaven, only one way to be forgiven and only one person able to redeem us – Jesus.  

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  • August 27, 2023 "God the Father Selects Us" Ephesians 1:1-6

    Do you remember those times growing up when you waited to be picked for a team.  If you were popular or a good athlete, you were chosen right away.  Were you ever picked last?  In Ephesians 1, Paul described the work of God in our salvation.  He spoke of God the Father choosing us for salvation even before He created the world. 

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  • God created every person with the capacity and the need to worship Him.  Unfortunately, we often worship things, experiences, or people rather than worshipping God.  Since God is glorious, gracious and magnificent, he alone is worthy of our praise.  Paul concludes his letter to the Philippian believers by giving glory to God the Father forever and ever.

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  • In a land of plenty, we still experience shortages.  As we pursue contentment in our daily lives, we discover that there are many situations we cannot change by hard work or fierce determination.  The world tells us anything is possible if we only believe.  Yet we face needs that are greater than our ability to remedy.  God wants us to trust Him.  He promises to meet every need in our lives through Jesus.  The Bible teaches that we can do all things only through Christ’s strength.

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  • We live in a culture that is “me-centered” and caters to a person’s immediate gratification.  Most of us have all that we NEED and much of what we want, yet there are few people today who seem to be genuinely satisfied with their current situation.  The Apostle Paul wrote to a group of Christians about contentment. He said that he had “learned the secret of being content.” 

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  • God offers peace to each of us, but we cannot experience His peace unless He lives in us and He rules our thoughts and actions.  The Apostle Paul gave us the remedy for worry and anxiety – prayer and trust.  Will you let God fill your heart and mind with his marvelous gift of peace?

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  • If worrying were an Olympic event, would you be a Gold medalist?  It seems that trusting God to help us is easy to do while we are praying, worshipping or surrounded by other Christians.  The moment we get alone, we begin to question God or replay “what if’s.” Paul gives us the remedy for worry which is prayer.  

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  • No family is immune from disagreements and squabbles.  The same is true for church families.  The Apostle Paul offers counsel to the Philippian church about resolving a conflict between two godly members so that the Gospel will continue to advance without hindrance. 

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  • June 30, 2024, “There’s Nothing Greater than Jesus Offers,” Hebrews 8:1-13

    How far in advance to you make plans? Days, weeks, months, years?  How often do your plans change at the last minute due to unforeseen and unavoidable situations?  From eternity, God planned to provide forgiveness through his Son, Jesus.  For centuries, God gave promises and glimpses of the coming Messiah.  During the time of the prophet Jeremiah, when life in Judah was difficult, God declared that he would one day make a NEW COVENANT with Israel and Judah (Jeremiah 31:27-34).  Jesus declared the day before his crucifixion that he was establishing a NEW COVENANT through his blood (Luke 22:20).

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  • The strength of your faith is revealed by your reactions during difficult times.  Trouble does not destroy a person’s faith, it simply exposes the depth and resiliency of faith that already exists.  The best way to make it through troubling times is to PREPARE.  By looking at Paul’s use of the phrase, “Stand firm,” we can learn what to do today for tomorrow’s difficulties.

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  • Most of us have trouble staying on track and focused whether an external or an internal interruption, we can find ourselves starting and restarting a task numerous times.  The Apostle Paul urged believers to focus on Jesus Christ and to avoid distractions.  

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  • It is easy to buy into the idea that our efforts at doing good somehow make us more acceptable to God than when we are disinterested in doing what’s right.  The Bible consistently and clearly teaches that human effort can never repair the broken relationship between us and God.  The only way to restore what sin has destroyed is through faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross for us.

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  • We are overloaded with information today.  How can we tell if a story or report is true or false?  It is not new that there are people trying to confuse us or change the way that we think and what we believe.  Paul warned Christians to look out for false teachers whose goal was to manipulate and mislead them. 

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  • Have you ever wondered what it would be like to talk to Abraham, Moses, Jonah, King David, Isaiah, Peter, John or Paul?  What would you ask them? In Philippians 2, Paul named two people that God used in his life and ministry.  We know so little about Timothy and Epaphroditus but they made a difference in God’s kingdom.  How is God using you to make a difference?

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  • After salvation, God expects each of us to earnestly seek after Christ.  Paul expects us to do our part (seeking Christ) while God does his part (bringing us to spiritual maturity).  We cannot accomplish anything of eternal value without the Holy Spirit working in us and working through us.

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  • Selfishness is at the center of nearly every sin – wanting my way, my will instead of God’s will.  Once you become a Christian, you still struggle with choosing your wants over God’s.  The greatest example and encouragement to obey God is Jesus Christ.  Paul shows us that Jesus selflessly humbled himself to come to earth and to die for us.  God then exalted him. Every person will bow the knee and confess that Jesus is Lord either for salvation here on earth or at judgment after death.

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  • Paul told the believers in Philippi that nothing would bring him more joy than to see each of them growing up in the faith and standing mature before God.  Paul gave four conditions that make spiritual growth a possibility and three ways to measure your own spiritual growth (single-minded devotion, humility and consideration of others).

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  • One characteristic of Millennials is that they want to make a lasting difference.  This is the reason that they are often called the “Purpose Generation.”  The Bible teaches that EVERY Christian is saved and called by God to make a difference in others’ lives and in our culture.  Paul challenges believers to “live a life that is worthy” of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Are you?

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  • We usually make life more complicated than it needs to be. When there is a crisis, life slows down and important matters rise to the top. As Paul wrote the Philippians from a Roman prison, he focused on the things that truly matter. Paul’s greatest desire was to live for Christ … what is your greatest desire?

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  • April 23, 2023, Finding Joy in the Journey, Philippians 1:1-11

    Paul wrote his most joy-filled letter while imprisoned in a Roman jail for preaching the Good News of Jesus.  Instead of focusing on his situation, he focused on Jesus and the many ways that God was working in his life and in the lives of the Philippian  believers. God can teach us how to find joy in the journey of life. 

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  • Easter Sunday was a terrific time of worship here at First Baptist.  It is estimated that attendance at Easter worship increased significantly all across the country this year.  How do you top Easter?  I do not mean, how can we do something more meaningful, more spectacular? How did the disciples grapple with their life and work AFTER they had seen the risen Christ on Resurrection Day and again the following Sunday?  The answer is that they did not handle separation from Jesus very well – they floundered.  They went back to fishing which is where Jesus finds them in John

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  • The woman who went to the tomb on Sunday after the crucifixion questioned how they would move the stone so they could properly prepare Jesus’ body for burial.  Instead of finding a dead body, they were that Jesus had risen.  Jesus appeared to his followers as proof of His resurrection.  Each of us must decide to believe the Scripture’s testimony about the resurrection.  Since Jesus came back from the dead and is alive today, we have hope in eternity and help for life’s problems.  Are you trusting Jesus?

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  • April 9, 2023 Easter Sunrise Worship Mark 16:6

    Rev. East is our guest preacher.  There is no listening sheet available. Happy Resurrection Sunday!

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  • While on the cross, Jesus spoke seven different times – his last words provide hope, comfort and guidance for everyone who chooses to repent and believe in Him.  Join us for a special Good Friday worship where we will sing hymns about the cross and hear the Gospel accounts of his suffering.  

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  • Jesus’ ministry, death and resurrection perfectly fulfilled the promises and prophecies of God. Because of his sinless life and sacrificial death, Jesus paid the penalty for sin.  His atoning death makes forgiveness, salvation and an eternal home in heaven a reality for anyone who repents and believes in Him. 

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  • Life is made up of so many ordinary days that they can blur together.  Yet there are events and decisions that set apart other days as anything but ordinary.  Those days – decisions – change the trajectory of our life and impact us in ways that mean we will never the same again.  The day of Jesus’ arrest, mock trials and sentencing changed the course of history and made salvation possible.  That Friday in history also changed the lives of the religious leaders, Peter, Judas, Pilate and the people who shouted “Crucify him!”

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  • How often have you heard the arrest, beatings and crucifixion of Jesus described as profound miscarriage of justice that if given the right circumstances, might have turned out differently for Jesus?  Jesus knew exactly what, where, how and when he would be falsely accused and crucified – this was all part of God’s sovereign plan.  As we study the Scripture  today, we will see over and over, “Jesus knew . . . .”

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  • We are in the season of Lent – Holy Week starts in 3 weeks on April 2. The Bible plainly states that Jesus’ death on the cross was part of God’s eternal plan to provide redemption for repentant sinners.  As we study the Passion Narrative over the next 4 Sundays, we will see how different people responded to Jesus as well as Jesus’ unwaveringly journey to Calvary.  What choices have you made about following Jesus?

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  • The revival that started the morning of Feb. 8 during chapel at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky has generated a lot of media attention.  People are asking if the revival is real, whether it will last and whether the changes in people’s lives will last? The skepticism about the authenticity of the revival is expressed by believers and unbelievers.  How will we know the answers?  Wait and see what God does.  Jesus warned anyone who opposed the work of God and He predicted opposition to his saving plan of salvation. Click here for sheet

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  • It has been nearly two months since you made New Year’s Resolutions.  How are those changes coming?  Did you even make it a month before returning to old habits?  Jesus spoke directly and firmly to religious people who pretended to follow God’s commands but inwardly were filled with evil thoughts and who committed hurtful actions while acting “righteous.”  

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  • Church attendance and membership continue to decline as faith is marginalized and relegated to a private expression instead of integrating faith into every facet of our lives.  There are many explanations for the secularization of our culture and the steady move away from religious expression.  One reason given for the diminishing influence of Christianity is the argument that Christians do not according to what our faith teaches – we say one thing and do another.  Jesus had strong words for people whose pretending impacted others.  

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  • Jesus warned that the religious leaders of his day to stop misleading people by pretending to be people of faith when they only desired to promote themselves and gain the applause of others.  Jesus taught that God sees past externals to every person’s heart.  Salvation is not a reward to be attained by human effort but a gift to be received through repentance from sins and faith in God’s Son, Jesus.  The only people we fool by masquerading is ourselves.  Stop pretending, start believing!

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  • Some of our assumptions about heaven do not match what the Bible says heaven will be like.  Jesus came from heaven and went back to heaven.  If anyone can be trusted to tell us about heaven, it is Jesus.  During his ministry, Jesus was asked about life in heaven.  Let’s study what he says.

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  • There were several occasions during Jesus’ ministry when religious leaders tried to trick Jesus into saying something that would either upset the people or the governing authorities.  Jesus always alluded their traps by teaching God’s truth.  When Jesus was asked whether it was lawful to pay taxes or not, Jesus answered, “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God.”  We will study Jesus’ teaching and what it means for us today. 

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  • This is the first Sanctity of Human Life Sunday since the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade.  The Scripture clearly teaches the worth of every person and that God intricately creates every life in the womb.  Consider the complexity of a single life as evidence of a creative, powerful and loving God and marvel that He  invites every one of us into a saving relationship with Him through faith in His Son. 

  • January 15, 2023"Our Amazing God, Part 2 - He's Everywhere" Psalm 139: 7-12

    The story of the prophet Jonah trying to run away from God’s plan for his life is a well-known Bible lesson.  All of us are a lot like Jonah.  There are many things we can learn about ourselves as we study the Bible.  Jonah discovered that no matter how far he ran in the opposite direction, God was waiting for him.  In today’s message, we will study David’s words in Psalm 139 and the assurance that God is always with us.

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  • How many times lately have you either said or heard someone say, “Who knows what’s going to happen? . . . who knows why that happened? . . . What is going on?”  Well, the answer to those questions is the same – God!  In one of the most beloved and often quoted psalms, David answered these questions with great affirmations of faith – God knows everything, he is everywhere, he makes everyone and he deals with everybody.

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  • December 25, 2022 "God gave....God Gives" Matthew 2:1-12

  •  There is no shortage of bad news.  Everywhere we turn, we hear of problems.  Personally, each of us faces difficulty.  Christmas heightens our awareness that we live in a world filled with people who are hurting.  God knew all of this.  Rather than watch from a distance, God came near.  The Good News of Christmas is that we need a Savior and God provided by sending His Son, Jesus. Click here for sheet

  • The message that God planned to send His son into the world came to two unexpecting, unprepared people – Mary and Joseph.  As an angel divulged the miraculous details of the long-awaited Messiah, both Mary and Joseph had to set aside fears, doubts, confusion and trust God to do what was best for them.  You and I live in an imperfect world.  If we are going to follow Jesus, we must also put aside our fears, doubts and confusion and trust God. 

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  • November 27, 2022 "Jesus Gives Hope" Hebrews 2:14-18

    There is so much despair in our world todayA quick review of the day’s headlines reveals that sin continues to wreak havoc in societies and in individual lives.  It seems that there is no way out or no possibility of change until we look to Jesus and his purpose for coming into our world. Jesus came to give us hope.  Jesus accomplished this by sharing in humanity, suffering in death, sacrificing his life and sanctifying us through his blood.   

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  • Andre Crouch wrote a gospel song in which he posed this question: “How can I say thanks for the things you have done for me, things so undeserved, yet you gave to prove you love for me. The voices of a million angels could not express my gratitude, all that I am and ever hope to be, I owe it all to you.” Do you agree with this affirmation? I wholeheartedly do!! Click here for sheet

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  • You wouldn’t think of showing up to a sporting event, concert, movie or play and expect to walk in without a ticket.  Why is it so hard to understand the necessity of pre-planning when it comes to eternity.  The Gospel teaches that admittance into heaven requires that payment be made for sins.  Since you and I cannot afford the price for redemption, God sent His Son into the world.  Christ Jesus lived a sinless life, died and paid for our redemption and offers forgiveness free of charge to anyone who repents and trusts him.  Do you have a reservation for heaven? 

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  • All of us have used the excuse that “at least we had good intentions” to explain away our inactivity.  Jesus told a story about two sons who were told to go work in the father’s vineyard.  One agreed to go but didn’t; the other refused to go but changed his mind and worked.  Jesus challenges us to do God’s will the first time we are told rather than making excuses or hesitating.  Partial obedience is still disobedience.

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  • Does Jesus’ death on the cross provide cleansing for all my sins or is there something I must do to complete my forgiveness?   Besides Saul who persecuted the Christians, Zacchaeus is probably next in line for the award, “Least Likely to Follow Jesus.”  However, long before Jesus walked through Jericho, God had been preparing Zacchaeus to receive salvation.  Once saved, Zacchaeus immediately began making amends for his wrongs.  What should you do now that you have been forgiven?

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  • How often have you seen something that goes against your sense of “right and wrong,” your understanding of justice and fairness?  Have you recently said, “That’s just not right . . . someone ought to do something about it”?  Jesus told a story about God’s incredible, unbelievable and amazing grace; however, his story clashes with our understanding of fairness and justice.  We might be surprised what we learn about grace when we look deeply into God’s Word.      

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  • There is no end to the questions that we ask one another and God.  Many of our questions will remain unanswered until heaven; however, God has provided sufficient information in the Bible to answers life’s and eternity’s most pressing questions.  Jesus engaged with many people who were seeking answers, but not everyone accepted the answers Jesus provided.  Do you?  

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  • It is interesting the ways that we try to justify or excuse our behavior while quickly judging others for doing the same things.  Our view of sin affects that way we see ourselves, others and even God.  Jesus told a story about a “religious” man and a “sinner” who both went to the Temple to pray, but only one of them returned home “justified.”  

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  • Does it ever seem like no one understands what you’re facing or no on seems to really care about your situation? Have you ever received a note, text or phone call from someone who wanted you to know of their concern and prayers for you?  Would it surprise you to know that Jesus is praying for you?  

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  • Our nation is more politically, racially, morally and economically divided than it has ever been.  There are also deep spiritual divisions among those who live in America.  As followers of Jesus, we are often ridiculed and maligned for our biblical convictions.  The animosity towards Christians and our faith seems to grow more intense with each passing day.  Jesus predicted that his followers would suffer persecution.  What should our response be when we are confronted by hostility?  Jesus told us to be prepared, to be faithful and to love! 

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  • What kind of legacy are you leaving? Many people aspire to build something that will outlast them or to do something that will benefit others long after they are gone.  When believers in Jesus pray, love, serve, grow in character, witness and do any number of other Spirit-motivated actions, we make differences that will last into eternity.  Click here for sheet.

  • What is the difference between unrelenting guilt and deep conviction? Satan creates guilt to punish us whereas the Holy Spirit convicts us to produce immediate and lasting change.  Are you allowing God to make changes in your life by responding to the promptings of the Holy Spirit?

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  • Having told his followers that he would be leaving them, Jesus gave them final instructions to prepare them for his physical absence.  He promised to send the Holy Spirit to live within them, to guide and empower them to obey the commands of God.  Then he gave them the ultimate test of obedience – their love for him. Jesus said that love and obedience cannot be separated. Click here for sheet.

  • August 28, 2022 “Our Forgiveness of Others Reflects God’s Forgiveness of Us” Matthew 18:21-35

    Why is it that when we do something wrong we expect (or at least want) others to immediately forgive us.  When others wrong us, however, we justify our anger towards them, harbor feelings of resentment or bitterness and refuse to let it go.  In response to the question “How many times are we  supposed to forgive others,” Jesus gave a tremendous lesson of God’s immeasurable forgiveness of us and our responsibility to forgive others.

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  • All of us face anxiety at different times in our lives and at various levels of intensity.  Over the last few years, however, there seems to be no reprieve from situations that cause stress.  Jesus addressed the anxieties that his disciples experienced at the news of his impending death and departure from earth.  Jesus offers us peace and certainty when we trust Him.  Click here for sheet.

  • Regardless of age, everyone of us has been affected the death of a loved one or friend.  Whether the death is sudden and unexpected or anticipated after a long period of illness or physical decline, death is a painful experience.  Faith in Jesus provides answers to facing the death of a those we love and preparing for our own death. Click here for sheet.

  • The Bible clearly teaches our profound, fundamental need for God.  We are described as sheep who have gone astray and need redemption.  Jesus illustrated the essential relationship that each believer has with him when he taught in John 10 that He is THE Good Shepherd. Are you fully trusting Jesus to be the Shepherd and Guardian of your soul? Click here for sheet.

  • “If seeing is believing” then can we only believe the things we see? If so, then there many things we accept as true –believe to be true—that we have never seen with our eyes.  Biblical faith is defined in Hebrews 11:1 as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”  It might surprise you to learn that strong faith in God has room for honest doubts.  But what is the difference between doubting and unbelief? Click here for sheet.


  • According to Henry Blackaby, “There was no ignoring Jesus’ arrival upon earth! Darkness was dispelled! Everywhere Jesus went, God’s truth was boldly proclaimed, people were healed, hypocrisy was exposed, and sinners found forgiveness.”  What about now?  What about you? Jesus calls his followers salt and light.  Will you BE salt and light wherever we go?  It is far less about DOING the right things and more about BEING the right person (salt and light).  Click here for sheet.

  • In a recent Gallup poll, 44% of people in the U.S. reported saying that religion is “very important,” compared to 60% of respondents who said the same in 2002 while 3 out of 10 Americans identified with no religion.  Christians cannot convince lost people through arguments that Jesus is God’s Son or that salvation is available only through Jesus.  Instead, we can only effectively influence unsaved individuals and change the world around us by obeying Jesus’ word to BE salt and light wherever we go.  It is far less about DOING the right things and more about BEING the right person (salt and light).  Click here for sheet. 

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  • Only God sees the motivations and knows the thoughts of every person.  How can we evaluate our commitment to Jesus to see what areas of our life and faith need to be brought into line with God’s kingdom principles?  We can start by studying Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 5 where he gave us four attitudes that line up with God’s kingdom and four actions that sprout from a kingdom heart.  

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  • The values of the average person are in opposition to the basic teachings of God’s Word.  Unfortunately, there is little difference between the beliefs and the lifestyle of the person who professes to follow Jesus and the person who denies the existence of God.  How can this be?  In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught what the values of his disciples should be.  We need to evaluate our lives in light of Jesus’ teachings.

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  • From beginning to end, the Bible is the story of God pursuing mankind to bring them back into a loving relationship with him that was broken because of the Fall.  In Luke 15, Jesus told three parables about our lostness and God’s relentless pursuit of us.  Do you need reminded how just how valuable your are to God? Click here for sheet.

  • Few stories are more recognizable than Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan.  Each of us can see ourselves as treating people at times like the thieves, the priest and the Levite, the Samaritan and the lawyer.  What we often miss is Jesus’ point of the story.  Genuine love for God and forgiveness of sins (salvation) is demonstrated by the way we show love to and treat others.  Our actions do not earn us salvation, our actions simply reveal the authenticity of what we believe. Click here for watch YouTube

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  • For most of us who are devoted to following Jesus, our decision grew over a period of months or years as we learned more about God and His Word.  Few of us decided to follow Jesus after one encounter with God’s truth.  Jesus met a blind man and healed him.  The healed man’s initial response was to think of Jesus as a man, but throughout his encounters with the religious leaders and then Jesus, he came to “see” and believe in Jesus as God’s Son.  Click here for sheet.

  • Does everyone who is sick or facing a problem want to get better?  It might surprise you to learn that some people have grown so accustomed to or fond of their problems that they cannot see their life any other way.  Jesus healed a man who had been paralyzed for thirty-eight years.  Everything about this man’s life changed after his healing, especially what he thought about Jesus. Click here for sheet.


  • “Jesus loves me, this I know” is not simply a line from a children’s song, but a biblical truth that changes how we see ourselves and how we view God.  Jesus spent time with crowds of people, with his disciples and with individuals.  In John 4, Jesus gave taught by example how we should relate to unbelievers. Click here for sheet. 

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  • There are many decisions that we make every day but none is as important as what we decide to do with Jesus Christ.  That decision alone alters the direction of our earthly life and determines our eternal destination.  Jesus spoke with a religious leader named Nicodemus in the night and explained the necessity of belief in His name as the sole requirement for salvation. Click here for sheet.

  • Have you ever wondered what you miss, when you skip gathering with fellow Christians?  Thomas was not with the other ten disciples on resurrection Sunday when Jesus appeared to them.  Thomas, like a good Missourian, said that he wouldn’t believe the news that Jesus had risen unless he saw for himself and touched the nail prints.  One week later, Thomas met the risen Jesus and without touching, Thomas believed.  Do you believe that Jesus is God’s Son? Click here for sheet.

  • Those who followed Jesus during his earthly ministry saw him perform miracle and listened to his teachings.  They also were changed by his love and grace.  However, it wasn’t until his death, that each follower experienced the lasting difference of salvation made possible by his death and resurrection.  Mary Madalene was the first person to see Jesus alive and this encounter with Jesus gave her joy, courage and a new reason to live. Click here for sheet.

  • During his earthly ministry, many people went to hear Jesus speak and to watch him perform miracles.  Jesus always called the spectators to move beyond superficial interest and to make a decisive commitment to follow him.  Knowing the identity of Jesus is essential to one’s salvation.  There are many opinions about Jesus’ true identity but until one accepts and believes that Jesus is the only Son of God, there can be no salvation. Click here for sheet.

  • The disciples saw the crowd as a problem and wanted to send them away for food.  Jesus saw the people and felt compassion on them.  With no answer in sight, Jesus taught his followers a valuable lesson in trust.  Jesus’ feeding of the 5000 is the only miracle recorded in all four Gospels.  Jesus multiplied a boy’s lunch of fish and bread and fed 15-20,000 people (5000 men plus women and children).  Still there were twelve baskets of bread left over. Click here for sheet.

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  • If you desire to live a healthy lifestyle, then you have regularly scheduled checkups.  Your spiritual health is just as important as your physical health.  Jesus compared the human heart to different types of soil and explained that the Word of God only takes root and bears fruit in productive soil.  Is your heart hard, shallow, crowded or productive?  Let’s do a checkup today! Click here to watch service on YouTube  Click here for sheet. 

  • All of us go through various difficulties and problems daily. What if some of those “storms” are actually God’s way of helping and growing our faith?  Jesus has all authority and that includes authority over every part of our life. The Gospels relate teachings and miracles that prove Jesus authority over demons, disease, death and nature. Will you let Jesus direct you even when you’re in the middle of a storm? Click here for sheet. 

  • “Google it” has become synonymous with looking up information ranging from the trivial to the significant, on topics from weather conditions to current events to sporting scores to famous people and to health-related questions.  Yet, where should we go for matters of faith, questions of morality, or eternal issues? We should seek direction from God through His Word (the Bible), through faith in His Son, Jesus, being guided by God’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit.  The Gospels gives evidence that Jesus is able to meet our needs because he is more than a man.  Jesus is God’s eternal Son and has the power to forgive sins. Click here for sheet.

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  • The Bible is history, i.e., HIS STORY.  From the opening chapter of the OT where God creates life, the Bible moves steadily, consistently toward God’s purpose of bringing salvation to anyone who repents of sin and believes in His Son, Jesus.  Every teaching and every miracle gave evidence that Jesus was more than a mere man, he was (is and will always be) the eternal Son of God.  What Jesus did during His earthly ministry, He continues to do today.  Jesus changes lives! Click here for sheet. 

  • Successful, productive companies stay focused on their original mission.  Although they may adapt their methods and practices, they still stay true to their purpose.  The church can easily lose sight of our purpose to exist: we are to glorify God by proclaiming the gospel to the lost and training believers to grow in Christlikeness.  Our reason for existing as a church flows out of Jesus’ mission described in Luke 4. Click here for sheet.

  • Every one of us faces choices daily that either strengthen or weaken our commitment to God.  Besides these decisions, we must also make numerous moral and ethical choices.  How do know what to choose and where does the strength come from to make the right choices.  How can we face and overcome temptation?  The Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) record Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness.  By studying Jesus’ response to temptation, we can learn how to face temptation in our lives. Click here for sheet.

  •  Every person longs to be accepted and desires to find affirmation.  The problem comes when we seek approval from the wrong people or things.  We find God’s approval through faith in His Son, not in the things we do for God or for people.  Do you have His approval?  Click here for sheet.

  • Jesus came to bring salvation and to exercise authority over our lives.  The New Testament uses the phrase, “the kingdom of God (or of heaven) has come”!  This means that as Christians, we live in two worlds.  We are citizens of an earthly nation and citizens of heaven.  John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah and John’s message was straightforward:  repent, get ready and believe in the Messiah.  Which world are you most comfortable living in?

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  • Have you ever been told that your question was “none of your business”?  God makes no distinction between your spiritual life and the rest of your life.  In other words, all of your business is God’s business.  How much of your life falls within the boundaries of God’s will for you?  If our business (plans) is God’s, shouldn’t our plans honor God? Click here for sheet.

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  • Waiting is a necessary, even normal part of everyday life but many of us dislike and will do all we can to avoid waiting – change lines in the store, avoid shopping at peak hours, shop online instead of in person.  Although we can avoid “some” waiting, we will still wait . . . wait . . . wait.  In matters of faith, God designs waiting to be a regular part of our spiritual life and an integral part of our spiritual growth.  In today’s study, we see two people who waited for God’s fulfillment of a promise.  They were NOT disappointed! Click here for sheet

  • What was the most popular toy the year you were born? What is the best Christmas present you ever received?  Did it cost very much money?  Gifts are a huge part of our Christmas celebration – finding, buying, wrapping, giving and receiving.  But not every gift is appreciated and not everyone wants the gift you picked out for them. What is the greatest gift ever?  Paul calls Jesus “the indescribable gift” in 2 Corinthians 9:15.  Have you received God’s gift of Jesus? Have you received Jesus’ gift of forgiveness and salvation?  Click here for sheet.

  • What difference would it make to your daily life if the Christmas story were not true?  (of course, the Word of God affirms the truthfulness of the Christ’s birth).  What if Jesus came at the wrong time, to the wrong place, to the wrong people, was the wrong savior and offered no peace? If Christ did not come, we are WITHOUT HOPE in this LIFE and in the LIFE TO COME.  Hallelujah!  God did send His only Son into the world that we might be saved through faith in his death, burial and resurrection!!

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  • We are emphasizing the love that God has for us as we celebrate the second of Advent on December 5.  The Christmas story is found in Matthew 1 & 2 and Luke 1 & 2, yet there are verses in the OT that predict the coming Messiah and numerous passages in the NT that use Jesus’ coming as proof of God’s love for us.  What difference does Jesus make in my life, in your life today? Let’s study the Bible for truths behind God sending His Son.  Click here for sheet.

  • Our plans don’t always go the way we intend.  There may be interruptions or cancellations that change what we do.  Unlike our plans that require frequent adjustments or changes, God’s plans do not run into roadblocks.  The Christmas story assures us that God’s intention to provide salvation to lost humanity through His Son gives hope to any who will believe in Christ Jesus.  Click here for sheet. 

  • Have you ever given a gift anonymously and watched with satisfaction as the gift was opened and utilized?  Have you ever given a gift that was unappreciated or even refused?  Giving gifts shouldn’t be about us yet we can learn a lot about ourselves and our motives when we give.  God is the Ultimate giver of gifts.  Psalm 65 is a corporate hymn of thanksgiving for God’s plenteous gifts to us – forgiveness, care and food. Click here for sheet.

  • We live in a pluralistic culture that abhors anything that is considered absolute; however, the Bible is filled with absolute truths that cannot be negotiated or explained away.  The gospel is exclusive – salvation is found in no other name than in Jesus (Acts 4:12).  There are not many gods to choose from but one true God.  Once you come to understand and believe in the uniqueness and authenticity of God and His Word, it changes your entire perspective and realigns all of your priorities.  The Psalmist praises God and calls on God’s people and all the nations to also praise Him. Click here for sheet.Click here to watch youtube video

  • The prophet Isaiah spoke of the suffering of the Messiah more than 700 years before Jesus came to earth.  Isaiah 53: 6, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”  Jesus is our sacrificial lamb but he is also described as our Good Shepherd (John 10).  Although you may never have realized it, you NEED a shepherd for your soul.

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  • The entire book of Psalms begins with a straightforward declaration that there are two groups of people in the world – the righteous and the wicked.  What determines this designation is whether a person trusts or does not trust the Lord.   One’s commitment to the Lord is seen in their desires and delights. Click here for sheet

  • Each time you place your money in a bank, invest funds in retirement or the stock market, you expect a high level of fiduciary duty on the part of your banker or investor.  Afterall, it’s “your money” not the investor’s.  Isn’t this the way we should view our responsibility to handling the resources that God has placed under our care and management for the brief time on earth? Click here for sheet

  • You are asked to give to many causes.  Some organizations give a service or gift in return for your donation.  Other times you are asked to give money to meet a need or aid people whom you will likely never meet.  What should motivate a Christian to give to kingdom causes through their local church?  The Apostle Paul taught that believers should participate in grace giving out of love, prompted by Christ’s example of sacrifice with a willingness to make a difference in others’ lives. Click here for sheet.

  • We have cell providers, internet providers, satellite providers, healthcare providers to name just a few providers.  But who is it that REALLY provides for us?  The Apostle Paul named God as our provider as he thanked the Philippian Christians for their financial gifts to support ministry. Click here for sheet.

  • Every individual and family face difficult decisions handling finances. It might surprise you to learn that God has a plan for the ways that EVERY one of us—as Christians—earns, spends and saves money as well as how we invest and use our time and abilities.  The Apostle Paul wrote to encourage believers in Macedonia to continue their exemplary and generous giving to meet needs.  As we continue our building project here at FBC, we should evaluate our giving in light of the Macedonians’ example. Click here for sheetTo watch the worship service on YouTube, click here.

  • There was a time when worship was seen as a privilege.  Individuals spent time preparing themselves in advance of worship.  Times of worship were a priority in one’s life and family and other activities were fit around worship rather than worship fitting around all other activities. King David wrote a Worship Psalm in which he described the heart and attitude of a true worshipper of God.  Let’s study God’s Word together to see if we are “true worshippers.” Click here for sheet. 

  • Can Christians get discouraged or depressed? Does believing in God insulate us from trouble and disappointments?  Is it wrong to question what God is doing in our lives or the timing of His actions?  Have your emotions taken over your faith so you doubt the most basic promises of God?  The Psalmist went through a period of discouragement where he was assaulted by unbelief but he maintained his confidence that God would see him through. Click here for sheet.

  • Charles Hummel wrote a short article called the “Tyranny of the Urgent” where he said that “we live in constant tension between the urgent and the important.”  What is urgent is not always important.  The Bible gives clarity to our search for what’s important by urging us to look to the eternal God to find wisdom, satisfaction and joy in this temporary life and to prepare for life in eternity.  We will study these timeless truths in Psalm 90 - the only psalm written by Moses. Click here for sheet. 

  • Apologies can be little more than empty words uttered to satisfy a hurt person, but the Scripture shows the necessity of asking for God’s mercy towards us and the importance of owning up to our sin.  Once we have admitted our wrong and received God’s forgiveness, it is up to us to demonstrate our love and gratitude by serving God. Click here for sheet.

  • This the final psalm in the book of Psalms that King David wrote. He summed up the character of God with three words and declared him to be great, good and holy! In a constantly changing world, believers in Christ Jesus must have a biblical worldview anchors us to God despite all the turmoil we experience. Click here for sheet.

  • A prevalent, persisting and pessimistic attitude today muses that “Nothing is certain anymore and nothing ever lasts.”  The Word of God gives a different perspective about life on earth and life in eternity.  It is possible to experience the love of God personally so that our entire life is affected and directed by the God who created us.  Click here for sheet. 

  • It is usually not a good idea to be concerned about what people think of us; rather we should seek to please God above all others.  Have you given any consideration to the way people look at you or what you are known for?  Every believer should live an exemplary life in both actions and words.  How are you doing? Click here for sheet.

  • Conventional wisdom suggests that people should avoid discussing “religion and politics” since both topics can be so divisive.  Has there been a time in modern history where there is such a polarization of beliefs and attitudes as there is now in religion and politics?  Within Christianity there are people who champion love over all else and those who advocate truth above everything. This division DOES not exist in Scripture.  Christians are to maintain BOTH – we must always show love and we must always believe and practice the truth.  Click here for sheet.

  • Does the New Testament’s warning against idol worship apply only to cultures or religions with tangible idols?  Is it possible that modern day worshippers struggle with idol worship regardless of their religious preference?  Do you worship the one true God by loving and serving Him alone? Click here for sheet. 

    Click here to watch YouTube video.

  • It is estimated that the average person makes 35,000 decisions every day.  Most decisions are ordinary but a few decisions have life-altering and eternity-impacting implications.  John’s final words to first Century Christians urged them to make decisions based on what they KNEW to be true.  We also need to KNOW and DO certain things.  Click her for sheet.

  • How often do we repeat matters or discuss things that do not concern us. Why is it easier to talk about people to other people rather than talking to God about people?  John urges Christians to pray for one another when we notice a problem.  Paul gives specific advice whenever we speak directly to a person that is struggling with sin.  Click here for sheet.  

    To watch YouTube video, click here.

  • “God works in mysterious ways” is a familiar quotation that all of us would agree is true.  So often, we fail to understand what God is doing (or not doing) or we disagree with His actions or the timing of what He’s doing.  John encourages Christians to pray confidently in the will of God so that we will experience help in our need. Click here for sheet.

  • Things change so often that it seems like there’s nothing that is dependable.  The uncertainty of life can create fears that interfere with living.  Some people attempt to handle fears by ignoring them, by numbing themselves or by pursing mindless endeavors.  God alone offers certainties and the promise of eternal life with him.  Click here for sheet.

  •  Who or what can you believe?  The Bible establishes the need for witnesses to corroborate a person’s testimony which is also a common notion in our judicial system.  The Apostle John uses this precedent of testimony to illustrate that God Himself testifies that Jesus is His Son.  In other words, we can trust Jesus to care for us in this life and provide for us in eternity.    Click here for sheet.

  • The Word of God gives absolute truth that is reliable and dependable no matter what the prevailing culture says.  John explains that there are two groups of people in the world – those who are born of God and those who are not.  John characterizes those born of God with four verbs: believes, loves, obeys and overcomes.  It would benefit each of us to examine our faith through the filters that John uses in chapter 5. Click here for sheet. 

  • News stories today seem to be filled with a lot of speculation rather than reporting facts and details.   As believers in Jesus, we should base our confidence on the promises that God has made in the Bible.  Rather than wondering what happens to people who have never heard the gospel, we should seek to make Jesus known to those we meet.  The only assurance of forgiveness the Bible offers is for those who confess faith in God’s Son.  This confession brings confidence when we think about judgement because Christ has fully paid for and removed a believer’s sin completely, FOREVER. Click here for sheet.

  • One of the most frequent descriptions of God’s character comes from 1 John 4:8 where we are told that “God is love.”  The attribute of love must be balanced with God’s other traits like His holiness, faithfulness, righteousness, justice and mercy.  John clearly teaches that love is also an identifying mark that a person genuinely belongs to God through faith in Jesus.  Click her for sheet.


  • Who are you listening to and what sources do you rely on when making a decision?  The Apostle John challenged first century believers to carefully test (examine) what they were being taught and to evaluate everything through their faith in Jesus, God’s Son.  Those who teach should also live consistently with biblical truth.  Click here for sheet. Click here to watch YouTube video of worship.

  • It’s easy to talk about doing the right thing and helping others, but much more difficult to put words into action.  The Apostle John challenges believers who say they love others but who show anger, hatred or indifference to people.  John says that genuine love sacrifices and serves those in need as well as obeys God’s commands.  Click here for sheet.

  • Cheap grace is a phrase often applied to modern preaching and theology that downplays the need for repentance, right beliefs and moral living in the lives of those who profess to follow Jesus Christ.  The Apostle John faced a similar situation in the first century as people who claimed to believe in Jesus demonstrated no noticeable changes in their behavior and continued in their immoral lifestyle. Click here for sheet.

  • The early disciples were amazed by the things Jesus taught and the miracles he performed but it was God’s love for them and for an unbelieving and unrepentant world that became the theme of John’s Gospel and his short letters called epistles.  God’s love still gives hope to those who believe in Christ Jesus. Click here for sheet.

  • It’s normal to explain away things that we do not understand or do not want to believe.  The statement “Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose to life again” is more than an article of faith, it is an historical fact.  Yet this fact is far different than other pieces of history because it represents a spiritual reality that can change a person’s eternal destiny depending on whether a person believes this truth and commits to follow after Jesus.  Easter 2021 culminates more than a year since the lock-down in the US, illnesses, deaths and significant changes. More than ever, may we realize the hope the Risen Jesus Christ gives us to live this life and the promise of life to come in heaven. Click here for sheet.

  •  Christians around the world are celebrating Palm Sunday when Jesus rode into Jerusalem and was welcomed by crowds shouting, “Hosanna”!! Yet most of the people who shouted praise on Sunday failed to grasp Jesus’ true identity as God’s Son or the real reason that he came into the world (i.e., to die for mankind’s sin and to provide the means of redemption for all who would repent and believe in Him).  People are still confused about Jesus.  The Apostle John urges Christians to know the truth about Jesus and to avoid those who distort the truth, who deny Jesus or who seek to deceive Christians. Click here for listening sheet.


  • It is exactly one year since we closed our church building due to the COVID-19 pandemic (third Sunday of 2020).  We faced an enemy that we could not see and found nearly impossible to guard against.  Long before 2020’s pandemic, we have faced an invisible, spiritual battle against the forces of darkness.  Believers should guard ourselves against allurements and distractions that will diminish our love for God or dampen our desire to do God’s will.  The Apostle John warned us to “stop loving the world.”  Click here for sheet.  To watch the worship service on our YouTube Channel, click here.

  • When we say that something is “either black or white,” we mean that there is a distinction between two things or  choices.  In a morally relativistic culture, there is no clear mark between right and wrong or between good and evil.  However, the Bible still gives us moral absolutes we can follow.  The Apostle John wrote that a genuine follower of Jesus Christ loves others.  Regardless of what a person says, John points out that “showing” love indicates whether a person genuinely knows God or not.  John also teaches that showing hatred reveals that the individual is still walking in darkness, i.e., the one who hates others is not a Christian. Click here for sheet.  To watch the worship service on our YouTube Channel, click here.

  • Our culture is in a moral free fall.  We have chosen to ignore or reject God’s Word and have redefined morality by individual standards and preferences rather than by timeless, eternal principles. When we deny sin, we are powerless to change.  John wrote to remind believers that Jesus dealt with our sinful past by becoming our atoning sacrifice.  Jesus deals with sin in the present by becoming our advocate (defense attorney).  Jesus helps us overcome sin by becoming our guide. Click here for sheet. To watch the worship service on our YouTube Channel, click here.  

  •  Fellowship is often viewed as an activity at church but the Bible teaches a sharing together in a ­­­­common life with other believers.  God made us for relationships – a reconciled relationship with Him through faith in the shed blood of Jesus and relationship with one another in the body of Christ.  John urged us to have fellowship with God and each other while avoiding barriers that hinder our fellowship. Click here for sheet. Here is the YouTube link to view worship:

  • What do you want more than anything else?  The Bible clarifies the huge difference between eternal and temporary values.  The goal of EVERY believer should be to mature in Christ.  Paul explained that there is a balance between our part and God’s part in our spiritual growth. Click here for sheet.  Here is the YouTube link to view worship service (message begins at 29:27):

  • We do not like it when people tell us what to do.  We value our independence and proudly declare our “rights.”  The moment we receive God’s forgiveness, we become children of God.  We also become workers, vessels and servants of God.  There is no greater joy than knowing Jesus as Savior and no greater fulfillment than serving Him as our Lord.  Paul used seven different words to convey the essential purpose of EVERY believer after salvation - serving the Lord Jesus!  Click here for outline. Here is the YouTube livestream link:

  • Christianity has been infected by a consumer mentality that frequently asks, “What does the church have to offer me?” or “What am I going to get in return for my service?”  The New Testament records the sacrifices of believers who suffered because of their faith in Jesus Christ.  One of Paul’s final letters was to Timothy in which he used seven metaphors to describe the service which EVERY believers owes the Lord Jesus: steward, soldier, athlete, farmer, worker, vessel and servant. Click here for sheet

  • Trivial Pursuit is a board game that came out while I was in college (1981).  The game tests a person’s knowledge with “general and popular culture questions.”  The game’s title is an accurate description of how so many people live their lives – in pursuit of the trivial rather than in pursuit of the triune God.  God created every person with the capacity and need to worship.  If we choose not to worship God, we will worship something or someone. In today’s message, we will study Psalm 34 as David describes the value of worship that he discovered during a difficult time in his life. Click here for sheet.

  • We thank God for the peaceful transfer of power this past Wednesday when President Biden was inaugurated.  Yet our nation remains deeply divided.  Unless we intentionally refocus our attention and efforts on God’s purposes for us, we risk facing this division within the body of Christ locally and across this nation.  God’s purposes for his people remain the same: worshipping, witnessing, working, discipling and fellowshipping. Click here for sheet.

  • It seems unthinkable as we watch the news and hear reports of National Guard troops securing the US Capital prior to the inauguration of President-elect Biden.  Why is our nation facing so much anger, distrust and hate from within our borders as well as from enemies without?  Where do we look for answers during this difficult time of pandemic, racial and political unrest and division?  The psalmist counsels trust in God Almighty and urges us to seek refuge in God who is always present with us. Click here for sheet. 

  • Our nation is in a crisis of leadership. Each of us would rather place blame than accept responsibility for our actions.  The prophet Isaiah had a vision of God as holy during one of the dark periods in the nation’s history.  Isaiah saw God, himself and others for the first time. As a result, Isaiah was willing to let God use him to make a difference in his world.  Do you want to SEE God, yourself and others for the first time? Click here to view sheet.

  • We know so little about the life of Jesus prior to his call to ministry, but Matthew tells us how God providentially protected the infant by warning Joseph to leave Bethlehem and to flee to Egypt. It would seem that the arrival of Jesus was at the wrong time but Scripture teaches that God’s timing is always perfect, that God keeps his promises and that evil cannot thwart God’s plans. Click here for sheet.

  • Are you planning to celebrate Christmas this year? How has COVID changed the way you will get together with others or your plans to worship on Christmas Eve? Matthew’s account of the FIRST Christmas reveals how people missed Christmas due to fear, apathy and busyness. We can also learn from the Magi how to celebrate Christmas through worship and giving.  Click here for sheet.

  • The story of Christmas fails to amaze us like it should – the God of heaven came to earth in human flesh to redeem sinful people.  God’s love and grace are on full display as the angel tells Joseph that Mary is going to have a baby and to call his name, “Jesus.”  Love always gives . . . Grace always forgives. Click here for sheet.

  • Thanksgiving Day is not the only time that we should pause, look around us and acknowledge the good things that God has done for us and for others.  Instead, as believers in Jesus, we should develop the habit of giving thanks to God.  The Psalmist made it clear that expressing thanks and praise to God should be done out loud and often.  Luke tells the true story of Jesus healing ten lepers but only ONE healed man returned to give thanks.  Click here for sheet.

  • What do you say to someone who is going through a difficult, confusing, painful or tragic time in their life?  Most often the first words that come to mind, even if the words are true, are not always helpful in the moment.  Instead of focusing on what you might say to another person, what would you say to God in the middle of your own uncertainties?  The Apostle Paul concluded this letter with a benediction that we can pray in many different situations: Lord, give me Your peace, remind me of Your presence and give me Your grace. Click here to view the sheet.

  • Have you ever told anyone, “You just wear me out?” Maybe it was true or maybe they just happened to be around to get the brunt of your frustration.  Either way, all of us have reached the point at some time that we felt emotionally or spiritually drained by the stress of dealing with difficult people.  The Apostle Paul encouraged believers to remain faithful and to avoid giving up on people.  He also emphasized the need to lovingly confront problems rather to overlook them. Click here for sheet.

  • All of us who are parents have at some time told our children to do what we say not necessarily what we do.  Yet, combining words of instructions with a clear example is the most effective method of teaching.  The Apostle Paul had given clear directions (called “commands”) that the believers were having difficulty following even though the instructions carried the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.  He then encouraged them to simply follow his example.  Click here for sheet.

  • Is there hope for our world?  Can change actually occur in a person’s life?  The Apostle Paul encouraged believers to trust God to use His Word of God and prayer to change people and to protect them from evil. Click here for sheet.

  • It’s difficult to know is true and what is fabricated, especially in the days leading up to the election.  The Bible contains clear direction for living daily and truths for putting our faith into practice. Paul’s words to these first Century believers stressed the importance of knowing and holding onto God’s Truth.  Click here to view.

  • Is the world really improving?  Or more to the point, are people getting better or worse? By working together, can we build a Utopia here on earth?  The Apostle assured believers that God would remove them from earth (“gathered together” is a reference to the Rapture) before the cataclysmic events of the great Rebellion on earth and the ascension of a man of lawlessness. Paul also explained that Jesus would defeat evil at the end of history when He returns. Click here to view.

  • An athlete represents his team on and off the field.  A police officer should obey the law whether he’s in uniform or not.  A naturalized citizen takes the Oath of Allegiance in which he renounces all allegiance to previous governments and pledges among other things to protect our country from foreign or domestic threats.  Should it surprise a Christian to learn that God expects his or her life to reflect faith at all times rather than occasionally? The Apostle Paul urged believers to live worthy of the name of Jesus and to let God empower them to do good. Click here to view.

  • It is easy to lose sight of what matters in life when you are going through unbearable pain.  What matters into eternity?  Paul assured believers that God would not ignore their present suffering and that God would give them eternal reward and relief in heaven.  He also clarified the impending judgment that awaits everyone who does not know God and who rejects the Gospel.  The lost will face God’s righteous judgment where He will repay with vengeance and destruction. Click here to download.

  • Many people think that troubles either make or break a person’s faith but the Bible teaches that when life presses in, what comes out has actually been there all along.  Paul wrote a follow up letter to the believers in Thessalonica to clear up confusion about the return of Christ.  He also encouraged them to continue growing in faith and love despite the intense sufferings they were experiencing.  Click here for sheet.

  • Does God care what you do with your life as long as you give a little money to charities, do a kind thing now and then and generally try to live by the Golden Rule? Is there any part of a person that lives on after death? If there is, then what should we be doing to live a healthy life free from regret in preparation for eternity? Paul concluded his letter to the Thessalonian believers by urging them to live without reproach and regret in spirit, soul and body. He also shared three things that only God can do in our lives.

    Click here for sheet.

  • Today we take in more information than ever before but how much of what we see and hear can we really trust as reliable, accurate and helpful information? “Just Google it” or “Ask Siri” or “Hey Alexa” have become second-nature to many of us.  But what do we do with the information we receive? Are we constantly evaluating what we hear by what God tells us in the Bible is true?  The Apostle Paul told believers that they should test everything they believed and avoid wrong by following the Holy Spirit’s prompting and the God’s Word.  Click here for sheet.

  • How does God expect us to deal with all the negative news reports, negative commercials, negative political ads, how to handle fears about COVID-19, how to face uncertainties about school, work and finances? We wonder what God wants from us, how he wants us to live?  The Apostle Paul gives us three short, powerful pieces of advice on navigating difficult times – rejoice, pray, and give thanks.  We will study what it looks like when we do these things and when we choose the opposite. Click here for sheet.

  • The idea that “Revenge is sweet” has been popularized in literature for centuries but the Bible gives us the best remedy for dealing with hurt, disappointment, loss and tragedy: forgiveness.  Paul urges believers to resist the impulse to retaliate when wronged, and to seek to do good to others instead of harming them. We will study why God says that revenge doesn’t work and specific things we can do to work through our hurt. Click here for sheet.

  • All of us are accountable to someone – teacher, employer, government and God.  But is it really necessary to be spiritually accountable to others?  Paul closed his teaching to the Thessalonian believers by pointing out the mutual responsibilities to their leaders and to each other but he also stressed the leaders’ obligations to their people.  With many people unable to go to church in person, what does it look like to have mutual responsibility in an age of virtual worship services and Bible studies? Click here to view sheet.

  • If you knew your time on earth was limited, what changes would you make in your schedule, your priorities, your faith to maximize the time you had left?  Actually, LIFE HERE IS LIMITED.  The Apostle Paul reminds believers of God’s coming judgment and the cataclysmic end to history as a way of urging us to live out our faith by staying assured of His love, staying alert to Jesus’ return and by staying active in sharing hope with unbelievers. Click here to view sheet.

  • I have been asked numerous times since March variations of the same question: “Are we living in the last days?”  According to the New Testament, the short answer is “Yes!” What does it mean for you that Jesus is returning to earth?  How is your life different from an unbeliever since you profess to look forward to His return?  Does the Bible teach a “rapture” for Christians? What is the rapture? Paul addresses all these questions in today’s passage. Click here for the sheet.

  • Paul urges Christians to show God’s love to one each other and especially to non-Christians so that we earn the privilege of sharing the Good News of salvation with them.  As followers of Jesus, we should be characterized by God’s love which is sacrificial, merciful and forgiving.  We should also be diligent and hardworking which is another way we witness to lost people.  Click here for sheet.

  • Is it possible to live a dedicated life to God in a world that opposes His values at every turn? The Apostle Paul wrote that God expects His people to live holy lives and to avoid sexual sin.  There are many  reasons why obeying God is best for us and for others.  Let’s study God’s Word together to see what He says! Click here to view sheet.

  • Most of us view prayer as we view the 911 dispatcher.  We know we can call for help in an emergency but until then we are doing just fine.  How would our prayers change if we began to see prayer as a responsibility to help others and not simply a privilege for me to get things I want from God? Paul prayed for the Thessalonians believers to grow in their faith, to increase in their love and to be used by God until Jesus returned.  We should pray for others as Paul prayed for his friends! Click here to view sheet.

  • We have returned to chapter 2 in our series from 1 Thessalonians to study Paul’s words about his ministry.  Paul compared his relationship to fellow Christians to father’s relationship with his children emphasizing the importance of a man’s work, his witness and his words. Click here to view sheet.

  • First Century followers of Jesus faced tremendous opposition.  Although Paul was able to stay with them for only a short time, he and others shared the Gospel and taught timeless principles that still benefit Christians today through the Bible.  God desires His people to help one another face various struggles and to use His Word as the foundation for what we believe and live. Click here to view.

  • We are powerless to change the hearts and minds of people but we need not despair.  The Apostle Paul taught the transforming power of God’s Word to change hearts and lives.  We should let God’s Word work in us as we work with others to spread God’s message of forgiveness of sin, love and hope until Jesus returns.  It has been a difficult week for our nation.  There have been daily protests and nightly violence in many U.S. cities following the death of George Floyd.  All of us condemn the actions of the police officers that caused Floyd’s death and we want the mistreatment, injustice and racial prejudice in our nation to end.  Click here for sheet.

  • The Apostle Paul faced opposition wherever he preached the Good News about Jesus.  People criticized him from within and from outside the church.  More than anything else, he wanted to please God.  He set an example for others to follow.  As we look at our lives, what does God think about our priorities?  Do we want to please God more than anyone else? Click here to download listening sheet.

  • What difference does it make in your life that Jesus is coming back to earth?  The Apostle Paul wrote the Thessalonian Christians to encourage them to be prepared to meet Jesus in life or in death.  Paul describes how every believer can KNOW and LIVE prepared for the return of Jesus Christ: faith brings salvation, salvation gives conviction, conviction results in convincing testimony and a testimony declares a changed life. Click here to download listening sheet.

  • In his final words, Solomon sums up what truly matters in life: wisely applying what we learn from life and from God’s Word.  He had given his life in pursuit of truth but he had not always applied these truths to his own life.  Like a wise father, a trusted teacher or a good friend, he offers three simple warnings: 1) fear God, 2) keep God’s commandments and 3) prepare for the final judgment. Click here to download sheet.

  • Solomon urges us to seek God at the end of life.  It is normal for our physical body to weaken as we age, but that does not have to happen to us spiritually.  God wants us to grow spiritually and to grow gracefully at the same time that our physical strength is diminishing.  We will study why the Bible teaches that physical weakness is a natural part of earthly life and a necessary preparation for eternal life. Click here for sheet.

  • How content are you right now, right where you are? Regardless what a person’s age is, most people wish to be a different age. Younger people want to “grow up” so they can have more freedom and responsibility. Older people often wish they had their younger years back or that they had made different decisions earlier in life. In Ecclesiastes 11, Solomon urges each of us to rejoice in today, to remove anxieties and fears from our lives and to remember God in our daily decisions. Though Solomon addressed his words to the “youth,” Scripture applies to each of us, no matter our age. Click here for sheet

  • It is impossible to eliminate all risks from our lives.  King Solomon uses two examples from ordinary life to illustrate the common dangers we face and the necessity of making reasoned decisions. Despite our best efforts, we still need to trust God to direct and to help us.  This Bible passage gives us practical principles for reopening businesses and moving our lives forward after the COVID-19 pandemic and shutdown. Click here for listening sheet.

  • April 19, 2020 "Avoid Foolish Living” Ecclesiastes 10:1-15

    King Solomon was known as the wisest man alive when he wrote the Old Testament Book of Ecclesiastes in which he described the “vanity” of a life lived “under the sun” or a life devoid of meaningful faith in God.  In Chapter 10, he contrasts the lifestyles and words of the wise and the foolish. God wants us to learn how to live wisely and to speak wisely.  In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we can apply these timeless principles to our lives and speech. Click here for sheet.

  • April 12, 2020 "Everything depends on Jesus' resurrection" (8 & 10:30 worship)

    Paul argued in 1 Corinthians 15 that belief in Jesus' resurrection formed the foundation for all that we believe.  The first disciples were eye witnesses to His majesty and power and you too can experience the certainty of faith that provides hope and purpose for this life and the guarantee of a future in heaven.  Click here for sheet.

  • April 12, 2020 Sunrise service-"What's All the fuss?" John 20:24-31

    Easter is vital to the Christian faith; in fact, the resurrection verifies everything Jesus claims to be and validates all the promises that Jesus makes. Thomas’ reluctance to believe in the risen Jesus in John 20 reminds all of us to take Jesus at His Word and to trust Him.  Click here for sheet

  • March 29, 2020 "Following Jesus" Matthew 26

    Jesus told His disciples that they would abandon Him very soon.  Peter spoke for the group when he pledged undying loyalty to Jesus.  Jesus then led His followers to Gethsemane for a time of prayer before His arrest.  Once again, the disciples' overconfidence blinded them to their need to depend upon God.  We can learn how to live our lives daily to follow Jesus. Click here for sheet.

  • List Item

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • March 22, 2020 "Don't Miss What Jesus Is Doing"

    Jesus gathered His disciples in the Upper Room for the Passover and surprised them by washing their feet.  He had so much to tell them before His death.  We can learn so much about facing life's uncertainties by listening to Jesus.  Click here for sheet.